Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Bro Azli Paat tokoh teknologi update

Di sini ada link ke dia, dan suka saya paste kat sini Youtube budak ni...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eacDxeWMzGM

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Ini satu Link yang banyak promote new tech dalam banyak bidang

http://www.newlaunches.com/ adalah satu website yg sgt bagus , memenuhi 100% dengan maksud technology yg diwujudkan oleh Blog ini, maklumat yg disediakan ringkas, padat dan ada gambar, check it out...

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Ini pun kira teknologi digunakan

Tadi pagi, aku bercakap dengan Hizatul, kawan seoffice, dia ada berlanggan dengan Catering ni mangkuktingkat.com, katanya, depa hantar lauk weekdays 22 hari sebulan terus depan rumah, lauk 2 jenis dalam mangkuktingkat depa bagi . Kalau tuan rumah takde (belum balik rumah) depa letak di tempat yg dijanjikan) Senang bai tu...Bayarannya rasanya RM280 sebulan ...

One link

Today, on 27 of August 2009, I found this website, quiet good, it explain certain things that not easily be understood, (I have downloaded YouTube on podcast on my 3G Iphone a few days ago). So read on...

Why do I create this Blog?

For your info, since young, I always easily get fascinated (wowed) by technologies... especially gadgets and small things but do wonders...

When I get older, I manage to buy and collect many of these gadgets and technology savvy kind of products.

To me, technology is one aspect of human endeaver that should be regarded as an important thing in our life, human life. We are better than other creatures because we have knowledge, the brain , the thinking power that put our quality of life improve by day.

Technology to me should be explored and to be use. Our service to the society can be improved a lot by the use of technology.

So, this Blog will be the place I put down the technologies I found and where I put my comments on this topic.
